Crafting your message: Your Uniqueness
Your WHY should highlight those unique strengths and abilities that would be valuable to others and what it is that motivates you to show up every day and give your very best to help your clients succeed.
The challenge here is to focus not on whether you or your abilities are unique but rather on what qualities you possess that make you a good fit for your ideal client. Spoiler alert: You are uniquely suited to create success. Not just for yourself but also to help others succeed. Your task is to get the message out into the world so that they can find you.
Admittedly, this is a challenge for me. Maybe like me, you think: “There must be thousands of people out there who have more experience, skill, education (you can fill in the blank) than I do. So, what is unique about me, and why would anyone care?”
Okay, stop right there. 1. Yes, there are thousands of people who have more of whatever you want to put in the blank here. 2. In business, as in life, not everyone is a good fit for your specific gifts and abilities. 3. There are billions of people, so why would you think that there is no one who would work with you?
What are your strengths?
It’s time to take a minute to think about what you do well, what successes you have had, and what you did that made them a success. Take it one step further and ask someone, a colleague or a client, how they see you. Reflect on their answers and incorporate those strengths into your WHY statement.
I have been going through this process of identifying my uniqueness and clarifying my message, and I hope that this will help you think about how you are uniquely suited for success and that there are clients out there looking for what you have to offer.
Join me next month as I conclude the What About My WHY blog series by looking at a key part of your WHY: Motivation.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog page. Do you have any insights or experiences to share around identifying your uniqueness? Feel free to leave a comment below.
All the Best,