What is a Virtual Assistant?
Virtual Assistants help business owners by taking on the tasks that keep them from doing what they do best, running their businesses. The title Virtual Assistant or VA may be new to you, so allow me to introduce you to your next best decision.
A Virtual Assistant works remotely as an independent contractor. They provide a variety of services to solopreneurs and businesses big and small, from a home office.
For a time, such as this
Due to the current Global Pandemic, Businesses are learning to operate remotely, presenting a unique set of challenges. More people than ever are working from home. We are all having to redefine our business processes. Redefining our processes means we incur new expenses. Additional expenses like technology, reorganizing the office, and assigning staff to work remotely. Others are laid off or let go, leaving the remaining staff to take on extra work in their absence. It may even mean that some work is left undone until someone has the time to pick it up again.
The challenges of a Solopreneur in private practice
If you are a Solopreneur in private practice, your business is changing too. The demand for your expertise, especially in the Mental Health and Wellness industries, has increased. Unfortunately, the number of hours in a day has not. The way you did business a year ago is very different than what you are facing today. The processes that worked for you a year ago may not be working for you now. Scheduling, Documentation, Correspondence, Billing for services, Continuing education, and the many other details involved in running a successful practice all demand your time over and above the services you give to your clients.
Why a Virtual Assistant is a good choice
A Virtual Assistant is not an employee. When you hire an employee, your business incurs additional expenses like payroll taxes, insurance or benefit packages, and many others. You can use the money you save by hiring an independent contractor to further your business goals. The time you save is priceless.
What Virtual Assistants can provide
Virtual Assistants provide a wide variety of services that aid you in managing and growing your business. From Bookkeeping to Social Media, there are so many skills a VA can bring to the table. Writing a book? There are copywriters. Need a Website? There are many excellent web designers, content writers, and website maintenance VA’s who can help take your business to the next level. Have you thought about branding your practice? From creating logos, marketing materials, blogs, or podcasts, to streamlining your schedules and taming your Inbox, there is a wealth of knowledge and skill to be found in a Virtual Assistant.
Whatever the challenge, a Virtual Assistant, is a proactive problem-solver whose goal is to help you achieve your goals. Think about where you could go with more time in your busy schedule.
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I’d like to hear from you. What are the challenges you are facing in your business today?