Welcome back to part 9 of this 10-part series. If you have been following along, you already know that the money is in the list. This means that the faster you can grow your list, the faster your income grows. Not only that but you are also increasing your reach, growing your audience, and of course, sending more traffic to your blog, for example. In other words, increasing the number of subscribers on your list is important, and growing it faster will help you get your blog and your business off the ground faster as well.
The “Ethical Bribe”
One of the best things you can do to grow your list faster is to offer them an “ethical bribe”. I’m sure you’ve seen these. If you’ve been building your list for a while, chances are that you have a freebie or ethical bribe in place already. They are often short reports, printables, spreadsheets, or videos that website owners and bloggers offer for free when you sign up. You see them all the time and for a good reason. They work like a charm and they are very easy to use.
You need to decide what you want to give your readers in exchange for their email, put that on your opt-in page and mention it in your opt-in form on your site, and last but not least deliver it to your subscribers. Let’s look at each of these three steps in a little more detail.
Create Your Ethical Bribe
Step one in the process is to decide what your offer will be. Start by thinking about what your potential subscribers might want. Your most popular blog posts may give you some great ideas, or perhaps those questions you frequently receive via comments or email. Pick a topic and then decide how you want to deliver the freebie. Short reports are popular as are printable pdfs, but videos and audios are other options. If you have an online store, you could even offer an exclusive signup coupon.
Decide on your ethical bribe and then create it. Write it, turn it into a pdf, record a video and upload it. Step one: create your opt-in freebie and have it ready to go.
Advertise It On Your Opt-in Form and Page
Step two is to write some enticing copy that will get your visitor’s attention. You should tweak all your opt-in forms on your website along with any dedicated opt-in pages you have to reflect this new freebie. If you’re not sure of how you want to do this, take a look at what others are doing and how they are presenting their freebie. (take a look at one of mine Here)
Come up with a good headline and a good call to action. Visuals also help. If you are offering a free report or a printable for example, get a graphic for it that you can add to your newsletter signup boxes for example. Step Two: Having a good headline and a clear Call to Action will entice your readers to sign up for the freebie.
Upload and Deliver Your Bribe
Step three it’s time to deliver the freebie. Having made sure your opt-in forms are on the pages with the most traffic, it’s time to implement. Upload your freebie to your web server. Next, write or edit a welcome email that goes out to the new subscriber. Your welcome email should include a brief message of thanks, the link, and a call to action that invites them to visit you again. Step Three: Upload your freebie and create the automated Welcome email.
Easy as 1,2,3 right? My hope in sharing what I have learned is that by using these three steps, you will indeed grow your list faster.
Up Next…
Next time
Join me next time as we wrap up this 10-part series by showing you how you can improve the conversion of your opt-in forms and opt-in pages.
Until next time…
All the Best,
If you missed any of the earlier blog posts in this series Click here to catch up.
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